AirNFTs (AIRT) — Steps To Stake on AirNFTs | Staking Tutorial!

Siddharth Giri
5 min readMay 19, 2022
AirNFTs Staking

Staking is a popular way to earn passive income on your crypto holdings and recently, AirNFTs launched a new staking feature. This means now you can stake your AIRT token on their official platform.

Earn UP To 180% APY

Currently, the staking option is available only for AIRT tokens but maybe they will add more coins in the future. You can earn up to 180% APY on AIRT staking but this interest rate regularly changes depending on the total staked amount.

Video Tutorial

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Staking Tutorial in Hindi

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Steps To Stake on AirNFTs →

First, you need AIRT Token in your wallet. So for that, I will show you the steps to buy AIRT Token. If you’re already a holder of AIRT Token, you can scroll down to the next step.

Steps To Buy AIRT →

Open in your browser → Click on the Buy AIRT button.


Here you will see multiple DEXs from which you can buy AIRT Token. I will show you the steps using Pancakeswap.

Buy AIRT From Pancakeswap

Click on the Buy AIRT button. As shown in the above screenshot.

On the next screen, You will see a pop-up. Here you need to click I understand and Import the Token.

Import AIRT Token

Now you need to connect the wallet to buy the token. Click on the Connect Wallet button from the top-right corner.

Connet Wallet

You can connect any wallet of your choice. For this example, I will use wallet connect to connect my Trust Wallet app.

Select Wallet

Now open your Trust wallet app → Settings → Wallet connect → New Connection → And Scan The QR Code.

Follow the on-screen instruction on your Trust Wallet(or whatever wallet you’re connecting) to complete the connection.

After connecting your wallet, Enter the number of tokens you want to buy. For this example, I will buy only 100 Tokens.

Enter the Number of Tokens

After that, click on the Swap button → Confirm Swap → Confirm the transaction from your wallet.

After the successful transaction, you will see your AIRT Tokens in your wallet.

Transaction is Successful

Steps To Stake →

Now go back to the AirNFTs and scroll down to see the stacking option.

Staking AIRT Earn AIRT

Click Earn Now button to go to the staking page. You can also visit “” in your browser to open the staking page.

Staking Page

Click on the Connect button to connect the wallet. You will see various wallets, you can connect any wallet of your choice.

List of Wallets

Select any wallet of your choice and follow the on-screen instructions to connect the wallet.

Note: Remember to connect your wallet to the smart chain network because currently, staking is available only in the smart chain network.

After that, You will see the Stake button under the AIRT Pool.

Stake AIRT

Click on the Stake button then a pop-up will appear. Enter the number of tokens you want to stake or click on the Max button to stake the full amount.

Stake AIRT Token

After that, click on the Confirm → Click Approve to give permission to access your AIRT Token → Confirm Transaction from the wallet → Confirm the Transaction from the wallet again.

Give Permission

Approving is a one-time process. When you will state next time, you will see a Confirm button instead of Approve. You just need to click on the Confirm and then confirm the transaction from the wallet.

AIRT Token is Staked

As you can see, Now my token is staked. Note: The lock-up period for staking is 30 days. If you will claim your rewards before this time, you will be charged a 10% penalty.

Now, This article has come to an end. I hope you found this article helpful. Please give your valuable feedback on this article so that I will be able to improve my writing skill. And, if you have any queries and questions, please ask in the comment section below.



Siddharth Giri

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